September 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
Y11 Careers Support

Continuing on from the Y10 careers fortnight events, I would now like to make you aware of our Y11 careers programme to further support your child’s next steps into education, employment and training.

Access to impartial careers information, direct knowledge of the different pathways, and the options available are an essential element to ensure your child makes an informed choice, it is therefore essential that your child participates and takes advantage of all of the support available to them.

Our careers office is based in the main school building, room 0.29 and is available to your child before and after school and via ‘drop-in’ during break and lunch time.

As your child moves into early adulthood we encourage the use of communication systems such as email and Teams.  We post a variety of careers information, guidance and opportunities on these two main systems. Please encourage your child to use and check these systems regularly for updates.

Our planned careers events during Y11 include:

SEPTEMBER– In-School Parent Information Evening
Y11 Parent Information Evening – During this evening parents get the
opportunity to speak to our careers team and external organisations regarding continued impartial support offers and different pathway opportunities.

SEPTEMBER – Assembly
Y11 Options, Pathways and Choices Assembly – Students are provided with
information of the different options, courses and providers, and details about
apprenticeships and support on offer.

1:1 Guidance meeting – Every student has a meeting with our qualified and impartial careers advisors to discuss their career ideas and support their plans.

NOVEMBER In-School Event
Y11 Choices event – All local colleges, training providers and apprenticeship training providers are invited into school so students can speak to representatives and find out what is available after Y11.  Students will have access during school hours and parents 3-4pm drop- in. Parent letter to follow with further information and attendance confirmation.

Apprenticeship Assembly – Students get more in-depth information on apprenticeships and what they need to do to prepare.

JANUARY   After-School Sessions
Apprenticeship Sessions – Students who intend on making apprenticeship applications this year, sign up for these sessions which show students how to search and apply for vacancies and how to tackle different recruitment methods.

JANUARY Assembly
National Citizenship Service (NCS) Assembly – Students find out about this fabulous summer, community programme and how they can participate.

MARCH – Saturday Out-School Event
Middleton Grange Shopping Centre Careers Event – This event gives parents and students the opportunity to meet colleges and training providers and employers face-to-face in the convenient setting of the towns shopping centre.

If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mrs Liddell
Head of Careers and Work-Related Learning