Dear Parent/ Carer 

I hope that you have had a happy and peaceful Easter. 

As we approach the final few weeks of Year 11, I wanted to share with you how impressed we are with the hard work and focus students have shown to their studies. We are very proud of their maturity and resilience. They are a wonderful year group who are a credit to you and your family.

Below are links to resources/ letters we have previously shared that are useful to have at hand: 

Year 11 Attendance 
We return to school Monday 15th April (Week A). Students should arrive at  8.40am. Year 11 are welcome to use the Sixth Form Library for revision before school. 

Please ensure your child attends school every day as we know students who attend more achieve more

Important examination preparation and revision is planned in every lesson and students will improve their skills and confidence, so they are ready for external examinations.

Results Day
GCSE examination results will be ready to collect Thursday 22nd August between 08.30 and 10.30 in the Sixth Form building. Students can enrol into our Sixth Form as soon as they have collected their results.  

If you need any support or have an please contact Miss Taylor ( 

Thank you for ongoing support for your child's education. We appreciate all you do to encourage and enable your child to do their very best.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs Crawshaw